Inventor 2021 sheet metal

When the Face dialog box appears, just hit OK. A change of material often requires changes to the attributes that define bends and corners. When you convert a part to sheet metal, you are now prompted to select a base face. I am not seeing the failure on Message 2 of 8. ForI would suggest you create the Cut differently. I have had issues with projected loops like this, they feel Sketchup pro 2021 free bit unstable and i usually avoid them. Did you mean:. After i dragged the endpoints of that line to their respective radius endpoints and exit the sketch all was fine and i could edit the face without issue I must not have followed the steps correctly. Message 1 of 8. If you design small objects, this material is often thin. The same is true for parts imported from other systems. Inventor Post Reply. This means there was a code change Inventor 2021 sheet metal behavioral change in so that the defect cannot be reproduced. Message 7 of 8. Report a website issue. Back to Inventor Category. Such changes often require changes to Inventor 2021 sheet metal floor machinery and set-ups used to fabricate Corel draw x7 price parts. Create sheet metal parts You create sheet metal parts from a template file. We want to understand the issue so we can come up with a work around or better workflow. John C Weiss Jr. We are going to change the method of applying the cutouts so it is no longer dependent on Face4.