Coreldraw try restarting your computer

The content herein is in the form of a personal web log "Blog" or forum posting. If Coreldraw try restarting your computer actions do not resolve the problem, please uninstall and reinstall the program. I had Corel X5 previously, it worked fine until one day when I start getting some error which I can't remember right now and then I fully uninstalled it using Revo Uninstaller and I installed X6. I've personally experienced a baffling restart caused by a loose power cord Coreldraw try restarting your computer would restart my PC whenever I accidentally grazed it Coreldraw try restarting your computer my foot. Look for signs of defective hardware, such as a bulging battery if you use a laptop or bulging capacitors. Thank you for subscribing. If random restarts persist after this step, the problem is likely your computer's hardware, not Windows or installed software. Move anything that could accidentally activate the power or restart button. I've been thru between reinstalls Adobe InDesign CS6 pricing removed the program folders, anything corel related in my appdata folders - and nothing works. As such, the views expressed in this site are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect the views of Corel Corporation, or its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents. Answered over 9 years ago. Set the display of the Windows Explorer window to show Details. Using File Explorer, browse and find the files that are displayed with white icons or product icons. Matthew S. Corel Graphics - Windows Shell Extension may not be installed.