Autodesk autocad 2017

Try AutoCAD free for 30 days. Draw a line with layer 0 zero. Command preview is not working for grip editing. Flex users and customers with an active subscription. Education customers. The features described above are just the tip of Autodesk autocad 2017 iceberg. I have done that successfully, and I have uninstalled autocad on my old computer. This leads to an extra click when do single line editing. Heidi 7 years Ago. Please fix ClearType font rendering for Layer Manager window content. It seems that AutoCAD does not recognize the edge of the taskbar and is extendig the window down Autodesk autocad 2017 the monitor edge. Whenever you change your license type, AutoCAD releases the license, and prompts you to save your work and quit. Please make the color drop down list to expand correctly in order to display the new item. Problem: The positioning vertical marker is not displayed. Also, any other dropdown list, like Layer, Linetypes, Lineweights, Dimstyles, Autodesk aec collection expanding when adding a new item, up to approx 30 lines.