Autodesk 3ds max 2017

What engine or app is this going into? Sign in to Autodesk Account at manage. I really suggest Autodesk 3ds max 2017 you point this out to the developer of the toolset you are using. Solved by lightcube. If you absolutely need the bone weights, even if it isn't Autodesk 3ds max 2017 more information and isn't required by the spec you can force this with this method:. License types. Under All Products and Services, find your product. Skip to content. Bone ID and Weight are repeated for each link. I spoke with Shawn about his pluggin but it lacks the ability to preserve some bone assignments that are required for the game I am using. For example, if you export a single geometry node like a Box or multiple nodes like a bunch of boxes and they are not weighted to Autocad2016 but themselves. Students and educators. I'd love to see a solution here that isnt going to cost me money. Contact us. Thanks again Shawn for your in depth reply. Pay as you go with Flex. Can't find what you're looking for?