AEC Collection 2021 license

Message 1 of 6. Now that anyone with a AEC collection has a license for BIM docs, do they also have access to actually hosting and modifying there design models? What is included in each offering? Make sure there is no Autodesk product currently running. Yes, you can still provide licenses to your consultants. How Autocadd lt I see projects if I have them on both platforms? How do I manage my team's licenses and entitlements once I've set up access to Autodesk Construction Cloud? Click Account Administration. Subscription includes AutoCAD, specialized toolsets, and apps. Thanks in advance! With the launch of Autodesk Docs standalone purchase offering, the BIM AEC Collection 2021 license AutoCAD LT 2016 pricing will no longer be available for purchase. So looking at the snip below or attached in order for my consultants to work on and edit there own collaborated cloud models they will need the full Design collaboration license, with out it they can only access "document management" to view, markup and upload AEC Collection 2021 license download files with the AEC collection Autodesk docs license. Insight for Autodesk Construction Cloud is an ecosystem that delivers Autodesk Construction Cloud project-level data, analytics, and predictive insights. Dynamo Studio free trial. If you were going from a suite network multi-user to a collection multi-user you could use your existing deployment. For more information, please refer to this page. How will I know which platform my project is on? Once Contract Managers have set up access to the Autodesk Construction Cloud, they can invite users to the account and project and provide access to the included modules, including Model Coordination and Insight modules, and any Purchase AutoCAD LT 2022 folders. Click on Members in the left panel. When complete, locate the download file on your computer. Installed the programs on a client.